Access Database Packer This utility is used to compact or repair your MS Access databases without having to actually run a copy of Access. This is a convenient utility to supply either to users who should not be running Access interactively or for users who are executing your program via the Access Run-time module. You can either run Access Database Packer interactively or you can specify a database name as a command line parameter. The first parameter, if it is present, is the full path to an existing MS Access database. By default the action is to compact the database back onto itself. If you wish to compact the database into another name, you must use this utility interactively. You may optionally specify /R to repair the database, or /R and /C to both repair and compact the database. Here is a sample command line: c:\access\accpack.exe c:\access\nwind.mdb /R /C Two files are supplied in this .ZIP archive: ACCPACK.EXE - The executable program. You can place it in any location. VBDB300.DLL - If you do not already have a copy of this file, place it in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. This utility requires two files which are NOT supplied in this .ZIP archive file in order to conserve space: MSAJT110.DLL - If you have MS Access 1.1, or a run-time copy of Access, you should already have this file in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory VBRUN300.DLL - You might already have this file on your system either if you Visual Basic 3.0, or a utility written with VB 3.0. If you do not have this file you can download it from the MSBASIC forum on Compuserve under the name VBRUN3.ZIP. Place this file in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. This program is FREE by Jim Ferguson 5016-4 Hunt Club Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 CIS ID: 71477,2345